
MY WILLS, Good Testament. La prima App per certificare le proprie volontà in blockchain

My Wills è una applicazione per creare e certificare i tuoi testamenti e le tue volontà. Puoi utilizzare l’app My Wills per caricare brevi video,[…]

[:it]Come aggiugere una “Firma” ai propri articoli certificati con blockchain WREP[:en]How to add a “Signature” to your certified articles with blockchain WREP[:]

WREP MINI TUTORIAL TO ADD SIGNATURE TO YOUR CERTIFIED ARTICLES This mini tutorial offers help to those who have to insert the certified signature of[…]

[:it]Libertà di stampa: L’Italia 41esima nel ranking mondiale[:en]Freedom of the press: Italy 41st in the world ranking[:]

Reporters sans frontières  sans frontières has drawn up the world report for 2020 which illustrates the il ranking of 180 countries for press freedom. Among the[…]

[:it]Giulietto Chiesa la memoria di un Giornalista[:]

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano. Video di commemorazione da parte di tutto il WREP … un amico un Giornalista un grande uomo

[:it]Ci ha lasciati Giulietto Chiesa[:en]Giulietto Chiesa has left us[:]

We communicate with great dismay and pain at the sudden departure of one of the pillars of free information, dear Giulietto Chiesa. Professional journalist, politician,[…]

Blockchain WREP certifica la proprietà intellettuale dei web reporter

As Fulvio Sarzana published: “The convergence between television, new technologies and telecommunications has led to the birth of a new ‘right’ “( Il Sole 24[…]

[:en]Wrep uses Blockchain technology[:it]Wrep adotta tecnologia Blockchain[:]

We use the Blockchain technology for the registry WRep. This can enhance data security and ensure the authenticity of land records.


Photojournalism is the form of journalism that employs images to tell a story. Usually refers only to still images, but more and more the term[…]

Citizen Journalism

The concept of citizen journalism is based on citizens “who play an active role in the process of collecting, communicating, analyzing and disseminating news and

Libertà di Espressione e di “Stampa”

The latest Reporters sans Frontières ranking on freedom of the press shows that Italy has jumped from 77th place in 2016 to 52nd place in[…]

WREP Creators & Web Reporters - EU Registry