
Report di Osservazione WonderTicket: Trasparenza e Ecologia un binomio perfetto

Introduzione al Report: Il Progetto WonderTicket Wrep WonderTicket è un progetto innovativo basato su NFT, supportato da intelligenza artificiale, che supera i limiti tradizionali associati[…]

[:it]Diventa Web Reporter e Creator: Una Nuova Frontiera Professionale[:en]Become a Web Reporter and Creator: A New Professional Frontier[:]

In the digital age, information and creativity are evolving at an unprecedented pace. Today, both young and old have a unique opportunity to join this[…]

[:it]Biglietto e Wow! Wrep lancia NFT-AI Ticket Enhancement[:en]Ticket and Wow! Wrep Launches NFT-AI Ticket Enhancement[:]

Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we buy and sell event tickets. NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are a type of digital token[…]

[:it]Apre al pubblico NFT Market a scambio libero senza obblighi di cripto[:en]Wrep opens crypto-free NFT Market to the public[:]

The Wrep NFT marketplace is a digital platform dedicated to trading and buying and selling NFTs easily and using any form of payment or free[…]

[:it]Finita l’era del “Giornalismo” spazio ai Web Reporter & Creator[:]

The attempt to rewrite history through this new face of the West is there for all to see. It promotes a lifestyle that eschews the[…]

[:it]Wrep Web Reporter, card di riconoscimento identità[:en]Wrep Web Reporter, identity recognition card[:]

Reporting and storytelling  has existed in any form since the birth of man. It may have evolved over time, but the dissemination of information has[…]

[:it]NFT Gratuiti per i Web Reporter[:en]Free NFT for Web Reporters[:]

As a member of the SBBN Social BlockChain Business Network WREP we are pleased to inform you that all Web Reporters duly registered in the[…]

[:it]Web Reporter una passione prosumer[:en]Web Reporter a prosumer passion[:]

Being a Web Reporter is a passion but also a vocation. Reporting is a need even before being a job. Journalism especially in italy shows[…]

[:it]WREP lancia il Primo Social Blockchain Certification Framework[:en]WREP Launches First Social Blockchain Certification Framework[:]

WREP Media Company has been working with its partners and collaborators to develop and deploy private blockchain, private and public blockchain-based authentication and certification systems[…]

WREP Creators & Web Reporters - EU Registry