Ticket and Wow! Wrep Launches NFT-AI Ticket Enhancement

Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we buy and sell event tickets. NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are a type of digital token that can be used to represent any valuable object, including event tickets. When an event ticket is tokenized, it is recorded on a blockchain, which is a distributed and immutable ledger of data. This makes tickets more secure and reliable, as they cannot be counterfeited or duplicated. Additionally, blockchain technology can be used to track the history of a ticket, which can help to prevent the resale of tickets at inflated prices.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is used to improve the experience of buying and using event tickets. For example, AI generates commemorative images that make tickets a unique work of art that is delivered along with the ticket and can be used as a memory but also for transactions and NFT auctions. They can be used to offer personalized discounts and promotions and to solve any security problems related to tickets.

The combination of blockchain and AI has the potential to create a new ticketing system for cultural and sporting events that is more secure, reliable, and efficient. This system could make it easier for people to buy and use tickets, and it could help to reduce crime related to events.

Here are some examples of how blockchain technology and AI could be used to improve the experience of buying and using event tickets:

  • Users can use their digital identity to purchase tickets, without having to create a new account for each event.
  • Users can receive notifications when their tickets are close to expiring or when discounts or promotions are available.
  • Users can use the AI-generated works as added value and then keep the original and unique work present in the ticket. Through NFT, this work can be transferred, sold or invited to auction on the main NFT sales platforms.
  • Users can use artificial intelligence to solve any problems related to their tickets, such as if the ticket has been lost or stolen.

These are just some examples of how blockchain technology and AI are used by WREP to improve the experience of buying and using event tickets.

Finally, but not least, let us remember the concept that the Wrep Blockchain Framework does not use cryptocurrencies and provides all blockchain services without necessarily having to use digital currencies, therefore the Wrep Blockchain is infinitesimal in energy cost and completely sustainable both economically and from the point of view of environmental protection and ecology.

Value added to the ticket and generative AI
Through the Social Blockchain Business Network Wrep (SBBN) Framework for civil use, i.e. without the use of cryptocurrencies or financial transactions, the generation of tickets/tickets created with generative Artificial Intelligence containing NFT can be activated, whose unique and original artwork is generated by the AI in the form of a creative image whose visual realisation is always traceable and related to the event. The style and image of the event is then enhanced through an AI-generated work of art, the creation prompt of which is guided through simple commands by the event managers who train (ML or Machine Learning) the AI by driving it, for example, with the insertion of historical or commemorative images of that specific event,




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